Hostel Fees: Session (2024-25)

S. No. Particular 2023-24 2024-25
    New Old New Old
1 Registration Fee 5000.00 200.00 5000.00 200.00
2 Caution Money 2000.00 - 2000.00 -
3 Hostel Fee 68000.00 68000.00 68000.00 68000.00
  Total 75000.00 68200.00 75000.00 68200.00


Fees Collection Schedule

Particular 1st Installment (at the time of admission) 2nd Installment(Oct - 01-05) 3rd Installment(Jan - 01-05) Total
New Student 27400.00 27200.00 20400.00 75000.00
Old Student 20600.00 27200.00 20400.00 68200.00